今天是2024年12月22日 第51周 星期日
-- This module implements {{key press}}. local kbdPrefix = '<kbd class=' .. '"keyboard-key nowrap" ' .. 'style="border: 1px solid #aaa; ' .. -- The following is an expansion of {{border-radius|2px}} '-moz-border-radius: 2px; -webkit-border-radius: 2px; border-radius: 2px; ' .. -- The following is an expansion of {{box-shadow|1px|2px|2px|#ddd}} '-moz-box-shadow: 1px 2px 2px #ddd; -webkit-box-shadow: 1px 2px 2px #ddd; box-shadow: 1px 2px 2px #ddd; ' .. 'background-color: #f9f9f9; ' .. -- The following is an expansion of {{linear-gradient|top|#eee, #f9f9f9, #eee}} 'background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #eee, #f9f9f9, #eee); background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, #eee, #f9f9f9, #eee); background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #eee, #f9f9f9, #eee); background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #eee, #f9f9f9, #eee); ' .. 'padding: 0.1em 0.3em; ' .. 'font-family: inherit; ' .. 'font-size: 0.85em;">' local kbdSuffix = '</kbd>' local keyText = { ['caps lock'] = '⇪ Caps Lock', ['[[caps lock]]'] = '⇪ [[大寫鎖定|Caps Lock]]', ['shift'] = '⇧ Shift', ['[[shift key|shift]]'] = '⇧ [[换档键|Shift]]', ['enter'] = '↵ Enter', ['[[enter key|enter]]'] = '↵ [[回車鍵|Enter]]', ['cmd'] = '⌘ Cmd', ['[[command key|cmd]]'] = '⌘ [[Command键|Cmd]]', ['command'] = '⌘ Command', ['[[command key|command]]'] = '⌘ [[Command键|Command]]', ['opt'] = '⌥ Opt', ['[[option key|opt]]'] = '⌥ [[Option键|Opt]]', ['option'] = '⌥ Option', ['[[option key|option]]'] = '⌥ [[Option键|Option]]', ['tab'] = 'Tab ↹', ['[[tab key|tab]]'] = '[[製表鍵|Tab]] ↹', ['backspace'] = '← Backspace', ['[[backspace]]'] = '← [[后退键|ackspace]]', ['win'] = '[[File:Windows logo - 2012 (black).svg|10px|alt=⊞|link=]] Win', ['[[windows key|win]]'] = '[[File:Windows logo - 2012 (black).svg|10px|alt=⊞|link=Windows key]] [[Windows键|Win]]', ['menu'] = '≣ Menu', ['[[menu key|menu]]'] = '≣ [[菜单键|Menu]]', ['up'] = '↑', ['[[arrow keys|up]]'] = '[[方向键|↑]]', ['down'] = '↓', ['[[arrow keys|down]]'] = '[[方向键|↓]]', ['left'] = '←', ['[[arrow keys|left]]'] = '[[方向键|←]]', ['right'] = '→', ['[[arrow keys|right]]'] = '[[方向键|→]]', ['asterisk'] = '*', ['hash'] = '#', ['[[#]]'] = '[[井号|#]]', ['colon'] = ':', ['[[:]]'] = '[[冒号|:]]', ['pipe'] = '|', ['[[|]]'] = '[[豎線||]]', ['semicolon'] = ';', ['[[;]]'] = '[[分号|;]]', ['equals'] = '=', -- Left & right analog sticks. ['l up'] = 'L↑', ['l down'] = 'L↓', ['l left'] = 'L←', ['l right'] = 'L→', ['l ne'] = 'L↗', ['l se'] = 'L↘', ['l nw'] = 'L↖', ['l sw'] = 'L↙', ['r up'] = 'R↑', ['r down'] = 'R↓', ['r left'] = 'R←', ['r right'] = 'R→', ['r ne'] = 'R↗', ['r se'] = 'R↘', ['r nw'] = 'R↖', ['r sw'] = 'R↙', -- PlayStation. ['ex'] = '×', ['circle'] = '○', ['square'] = '□', ['triangle'] = '△', -- Nintendo 64 and GameCube. ['c up'] = 'C↑', ['c down'] = 'C↓', ['c left'] = 'C←', ['c right'] = 'C→', ['c ne'] = 'C↗', ['c se'] = 'C↘', ['c nw'] = 'C↖', ['c sw'] = 'C↙', } local keyAlias = { -- ['alternate name for key (alias)'] = 'name for key used in key table' ['[[cmd key|cmd]]'] = '[[command键|cmd]]', ['[[cmd key|command]]'] = '[[command键|command]]', ['[[opt key|opt]]'] = '[[option键|opt]]', ['[[option key]]'] = '[[option键|option]]', ['[[opt key|option]]'] = '[[option键|option]]', ['[[win key|win]]'] = '[[windows键|win]]', ['*'] = 'asterisk', ['#'] = 'hash', [':'] = 'colon', [';'] = 'semicolon', ['l-up'] = 'l up', ['l-down'] = 'l down', ['l-left'] = 'l left', ['l-right'] = 'l right', ['l-ne'] = 'l ne', ['l-se'] = 'l se', ['l-nw'] = 'l nw', ['l-sw'] = 'l sw', ['r-up'] = 'r up', ['r-down'] = 'r down', ['r-left'] = 'r left', ['r-right'] = 'r right', ['r-ne'] = 'r ne', ['r-se'] = 'r se', ['r-nw'] = 'r nw', ['r-sw'] = 'r sw', ['ps x'] = 'ex', ['ps c'] = 'circle', ['ps s'] = 'square', ['ps t'] = 'triangle', ['c-up'] = 'c up', ['c-down'] = 'c down', ['c-left'] = 'c left', ['c-right'] = 'c right', ['c-ne'] = 'c ne', ['c-se'] = 'c se', ['c-nw'] = 'c nw', ['c-sw'] = 'c sw', } local Collection = {} Collection.__index = Collection do function Collection:add(item) if item ~= nil then self.n = self.n + 1 self[self.n] = item end end function Collection:join(sep) return table.concat(self, sep) end function Collection:sort(comp) table.sort(self, comp) end function Collection.new() return setmetatable({n = 0}, Collection) end end local function keyPress(args) local chainNames = { 'chain first', 'chain second', 'chain third', 'chain fourth', 'chain fifth', 'chain sixth', 'chain seventh', 'chain eighth', 'chain ninth', } local result = Collection.new() local chainDefault = args.chain or '+' for i, id in ipairs(args) do if i > 1 then result:add(args[chainNames[i - 1]] or chainDefault) end local lc = id:lower() local text = keyText[lc] or keyText[keyAlias[lc]] or id result:add(kbdPrefix .. text .. kbdSuffix) end return result:join() end local function keypress(frame) -- Called by "{{key press|...}}". -- Using the template doubles the post‐expand include size. return keyPress(frame:getParent().args) end local function press(frame) -- Called by "{{#invoke:key|press|...}}". return keyPress(frame.args) end return { keypress = keypress, press = press, }