今天是2024年12月24日 第52周 星期二
模块:Redirect template
require('Module:No globals') local p = {} -- key is beginning of arg name. value is table with namespace number and link -- alternatively, a function taking the namespace number and returning a validity -- can be used local namespaceCategories = { all = { function() return true end }, main = { 0, '[[Wikipedia:条目|条目]]' }, help = { 12, '[[wp:帮助页面|帮助]]' }, portal = { 100, '[[wp:主题|主题]]' }, talk = { function(n) return n > 0 and n%2 == 1 end, '[[Help:使用讨论页|讨论]]' }, template = { 10, '[[wp:模板空间|模板]]' }, wikipedia = { 4, '[[wp:名字空间#计划名字空间|维基百科計畫頁面]]' }, category = { 14, '[[wp:分类|分类]]' }, user = { 2, '[[wp:用户页|-{zh-cn:用户;zh-tw:使用者;}-]]' }, } -- Don't convert blank category to nil local function valueFunc(key, val) if type(val) == 'string' then val = val:match('^%s*(.-)%s*$') if val == '' and key ~= 'category' and key ~= 'embed' then return nil end end return val end local function getPrettyName(args) for k in pairs(namespaceCategories) do if args[k .. ' category'] then return "'''[[:Category:" .. args[k .. ' category'] .. "|" .. args.name .. "]]''':" end end return "'''" .. args.name .. "''':" end function p.core(frame, args) if not args then args = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs(frame, {wrappers = 'Template:Redirect template/core', valueFunc = valueFunc}) end local namespace = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace local otherCategory = args['other category'] and (args.category or string.format('[[Category:%s]]', args['other category'])) local embedPossible = args.embed == nil or args.embed == 'yes' --- XXX: this is a HORRIBLE HACK. kill it with fire as soon as https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12974 is fixed local beCompatibleWithBug12974 = args.info and (args.info:find('^[:;#*]', 1) == 1 or args.info:find('{|', 1, true) == 1) and '\n' or '' local retval = string.format('*%s这是%s%s重-{zh-cn:定;zh-tw:新導;}-向。%s%s\n', embedPossible and args.name and getPrettyName(args) or '', args.from and ( ( args.to and '由' or '') .. args.from .. (args.to and '' or '的' ) ) or '', args.to and ( ( args.from and ',' or '') .. '指向' .. args.to .. '的') or '', args.info and beCompatibleWithBug12974 or '', args.info or '' ) for k,v in pairs(namespaceCategories) do if args[k .. ' category'] then if type(v[1]) == 'function' and v[1](namespace) or v[1] == namespace then retval = retval .. (args.category or string.format('[[Category:%s]]', args[k .. ' category'])) elseif args['other category'] then retval = retval .. otherCategory else retval = retval .. frame:expandTemplate{title = '不正确的重-{zh-cn:定;zh-tw:新導;}-向模板', args = {v[2]}} end end end return retval end function p.main(frame) local args = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs(frame, {wrappers = 'Template:Redirect template', valueFunc = valueFunc}) local retval = p.core(frame, args) if mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace == 0 then if args.printworthy == 'yes' then return retval .. (args.category or '[[Category:值得列印的重定向]]') elseif args.printworthy == 'no' then return retval .. (args.category or '[[Category:不需列印的重定向]]') end end return retval end return p