今天是2024年12月23日 第52周 星期一
zhwp>Xiplus 小 (已保护“模块:TemplateParameters2”:高風險模板:5644引用([编辑=仅管理员](无限期)[移动=仅管理员](无限期))) |
小 (导入1个版本:受托导入数个模板;本次导入Infobox,来源为ZhWP) |
2020年6月1日 (一) 08:55的最新版本
--[=[ 以[[Module:TemplateParameters]]發想的模組 功能類似,但套用位置不同,傳遞方式也不一樣 部分地方為複製品,避免調用時效果走樣 ]=]-- local p = {} local lib_arg = {} local yesno = require('Module:Yesno') local lib_editstate = {} local function errmsg(msg) return require('Module:Error').error({[1] = '[[Module:TemplateParameters2]]錯誤:' .. msg}) end function p._pass_spstr2(template, arg_to_spstr, args) ---- Module:TemplateParameters.pass_spstr 變種 ---- local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame() local input_text = template local input_args = {} local input_title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle() local spilt_args = mw.text.split( arg_to_spstr, '<參數分隔/>') local k, v for _,x in pairs(spilt_args) do local text = mw.text.trim(x) if text ~= '' then if mw.ustring.gmatch(text, '<參數值/>') then local spilt_kv = mw.text.split( text, '<參數值/>') local spilt_list = {} k, v = mw.text.trim(spilt_kv[1]), spilt_kv[2] if k ~= '' then input_args[k] = v end end end end if args and type(args) == type(frame) then for k,v in pairs(spilt_args) do input_args[k] = v end end frame = frame:newChild{ title = tostring(mw.title.getCurrentTitle().fullText), args = input_args } return frame:preprocess({ text = input_text }) end function p.pass_spstr2(frame) local args local template = '{{safesubst:' if frame == mw.getCurrentFrame() then -- We're being called via #invoke. The args are passed through to the module -- from the template page, so use the args that were passed into the template. args = frame.args --local parent = frame:getParent().args else -- We're being called from another module or from the debug console, so assume -- the args are passed in directly. if type(frame) ~= type({}) then args = {frame} else args = frame end end if args['_TemplateTitle'] then template = template .. args['_TemplateTitle'] end for k, v in pairs( args ) do if mw.text.trim(v) == '' then elseif k ~= '_args' or k ~= '_parent' or k ~= '_TemplateTitle' then local numberargs = tonumber(k) if template == '{{safesubst:' then template = template .. v elseif (mw.ustring.gmatch(args[1], '#invoke:') and k == 2) then template = template .. '|' .. v elseif ((not numberargs) or (numberargs ~= k) or (numberargs == k and mw.ustring.gmatch(v, '=')) ) then template = template .. '|' .. k .. '=' .. v else template = template .. '|' .. v end end end template = template .. '}}' --require('Module:Template invocation').invocation('foo', {'bar', 'baz', abc = 'def'}) if ((type(parent) == nil) and (not args['_args']) and (not args['_parent'])) then return mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess( template ) end if (args['_args']) then pass_spstr_arg = args['_args'] elseif (args['_parent']) then pass_spstr_arg = args['_parent'] end --[=[ return require('Module:TemplateParameters').pass_spstr({ delnowiki = 0, delmsgnw = 0, code = template, TemplateTitle = args['_TemplateTitle'] or mw.title.getCurrentTitle(), args = pass_spstr_arg })]=]-- return p._pass_spstr2(template, pass_spstr_arg, args) end function p.arg_to_spstr(frame) local args if frame == mw.getCurrentFrame() then -- We're being called via #invoke. The args are passed through to the module -- from the template page, so use the args that were passed into the template. args = frame.args else -- We're being called from another module or from the debug console, so assume -- the args are passed in directly. if type(frame) ~= type({}) then args = {frame} else args = frame end end local wt = '' for k,v in pairs(args) do if wt == '' then wt = k .. '<參數值/>' ..v else wt = wt .. '<參數分隔/>' .. k .. '<參數值/>' ..v end end return wt end function p.arg_to_spstr2(frame) if frame ~= mw.getCurrentFrame() then return errmsg('arg_to_spstr2僅給解析<code>frame:getParent().args</code>用,無法套用在模組間接調用!') end local wt = '' for k,v in pairs(frame:getParent().args) do if wt == '' then wt = k .. '<參數值/>' ..v else wt = wt .. '<參數分隔/>' .. k .. '<參數值/>' ..v end end return wt end return p